Volunteer Xchange





Join our short-term volunteers through our Volunteer Exchange Program in our non-profit network providing long-term, ethical service on various programs as the folllowing:

1. Volunteer vacation/study group
2. US volunteer group
3. Balikbayan volunteer group
4. OFW volunteer group
5. Military volunteer group.

This is an opportunity to live and work with local people on life-affirming service programs for one, two or three weeks. Extended stay options up to 24 weeks. We support some host communities year-around through short-term volunteer teams, direct project funding, classroom support, child sponsorships and student scholarships. Join our programs serving local people as a family, group or individual. No specialized skills are needed to contribute genuine development assistance.

Volunteer Xchange Program is another component project of Citizens Crime Watch-Special Task Force , private, non-profit, non-sectarian, non-governmental organization engaging short-term volunteers on micro-economic and human development programs in close partnership with local people in the communities worldwide or locally. Our purpose is to maintain a genuine, sustained service partnership with the host community and provide volunteers a genuine opportunity to serve.

A new concept formulated by Citizens Crime Watch-Special Task Force Group to set the standard otherwise known as the term "volunteer ," and to extend a direct service-learning programs abroad and local communities. Today, we mobilize volunteers annually on work projects, assisting host communities through volunteer service, direct project funding and child sponsorships.

The schedule for a three week service program is as follows:

Day 1 to day 2 –Tour of the City or municipality
Day 3—Debriefing and team orientation
Day 4 to 19—Project work assignment with free time off on weekends
Day 20 to 21– Travel back to the city/ municipality of origin.

Each volunteer is responsible for his /her own participation. A fee is charged to cover ground transportation, food lodging , prorated share of the program and recruiting cost. We receive no government assistance money and 95 % of our funding is from individuals. Most volunteers often stay at hotel, community centers preferably in the community where they work or host community volunteers homes.

All volunteers should stay in the same or nearby volunteers.Depending on locations we either eat in local restaurants or a local person prepares the meals each day for the volunteers. Water is either boiled or purchased bottles. In all cases we pay for the food and the cook. In most communities where we work, we have found it very rewarding to have some community members eat the afternoon meal with the volunteers tp provide opportunity for conversation. This seems to work best when 3 or more individuals or a family are invited each day.
The opportunity for human and economic development generates hope. And, where there is hope, there can be peace. Vacation Volunteers enables individuals to wage peace by generating hope. Our participants serve on "alternative" or "working" vacations. These volunteers serve the local people, who invite them to their community to work on human and economic development projects deemed important by community leaders. In this capacity, the volunteers do whatever they are asked to do on the work project, with the result being that nearly everyone can be of service.

Because local people decide what the volunteers do, the work projects vary from community to community. However, most of our work revolves around community family, children, and the projects fall into broad categories:

(a) Nurturing vulnerable and at-risk children: We help care for "street kids," disabled and orphaned children, and infants in a variety of community facilities.

(b) English language/Skills training: We teach conversational English / other skills to children, youth and adults in localities.

(c) Community infrastructure: We help build, paint, and repair classrooms, community centers, health clinics houses, and other facilities.

(d) Health services or Medical Mission. We recruit health care professionals who provide direct "hands-on" care and public health education.

We believe that true development mobilizes empowered people: Both those seeking assistance, and those who seek to serve them. Nurturing long-term relationships is central to our worldwide success.

We invest financial and human resources to provide continuous local program support and are proud to still be working in the host community. Join our legacy of true service!





Philosophy of Service

Volunteers Xchange Program is guided by a unique philosophy of service, stating, simply, that to be truly successful in sustainable development assistance, outsiders must work at the invitation and under the direction of those they are attempting to assist. By remaining faithful to this philosophy , we' could create opportunities for you to provide a genuine service to others all over the globe.

We believe that if you embrace our guiding philosophy, you will personally enjoy the richness of the people you serve, and truly wage peace in the most direct manner possible.

The basic elements of this philosophy are:

· A foundation for world peace can be built through understanding and respect fostered by service.

· Short-term volunteers can be important resources to community development projects.

· Self-reliance is the ultimate objective in development.

We uphold this philosophy by investing in host partners' development projects financially and through continuous volunteer service. We are dedicated to supporting on-going, sustained enhancements to local people's quality of life, with an emphasis on serving vulnerable and at-risk children. Likewise, we invest in continuous improvement in our volunteer management, ensuring team productivity and new volunteer learning . opportunities. Be a part of of our volunteer xchange program or either spend your vacation/travel as a Volunteer.

Above all, we're committed to integrity in all our operations, striving for program excellence and transparency in our home office and abroad.

Please forward this page to your family and friends....and consider offering "alternative gifts" for the holidays!

We hope to raise a substantial amount to keep our programs going strong. Thanks for your donation and your continued support. Most of all, thanks for your spirit of service!

Travel That Feeds The Soul

To all interested individuals/group/ parties please contact Mark at (632) 9472865504 or email :mark_ccw@yahoo.com

Please fill out the quick form and we will be in touch with lightning speed.

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